
Guam | NAVFAC Marianas Small Business MACC

Since June of last year, the marketing department has been focused on submitting proposals for the the NAVFAC Marianas Small Business Guam MACC that we -and along with six other small business contractors -are a part of.

The fun and challenging process enables the marketing department to collaborate with with the Design Team to compose narratives explaining our design approach and create renderings that depict our vision.

In March 2010, P&S Construction was awarded our first Guam contract for the NEX Minimart and Gas Station, Naval Base, Guam. The mini-mart facility will include retail sales, customer service, a receiving and storage area, employee facilities and a separate fast-food franchise.  The gas station will consist of at least six double-sided fuel-dispensing islands under full canopy for three grades of gasoline and diesel. The station will be complete with a tire refill area, auto-vacuum stations and a propane tank refill station for small consumer propane tanks. Work is currently underway with expected completion date of December of this year.  P&S Construction is excited to be working on a fun project like this and is thrilled to be a major part of the updating and modernization Naval Base Guam objectives.

July brought us much excitement with the win of the Guam Strike South Ramp Utilities – Phase I project at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam.   Expected completion date is February 2013 and the work includes upgrading the existing water, sanitary sewer and communications systems at Andersen Air Force. Additional work includes installation of elevated water tank, waterlines, gravity sanitary sewer manhole, upgrade of controls and electrical of two sanitary pump stations, supervisory control and data acquisition system on the new water tank, water booster pumps, sanitary pump stations, and a manhole duct system for communication lines. The project has many phases and relies on the careful coordination of many disciplines. With a tight schedule and work done on an active base, P&S Construction looks forward to the challenges of this project.

The most challenging proposal the team worked on for the Guam MACC was the Guam Strike Opps and Tanker Task Force Renovation at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. When P&S Construction was awarded in the project in August, we saw this as a great win. The intricate renovations and selective demolition of neighboring buildings proposed quite a design challenge. We called upon our past work at Naval Submarine Base New London which included the demolition and renovation of more than 25 buildings on that base.  When the contract award was announced the Marketing and Design Team saw this a as a great triumph, as we not only approached the project with full understating and various solutions, but we provided the most cost effective and superior design and construction strategy.

The scope of work includes the design and alteration of Building 22026, partial demolition of Building 21000, an interior and exterior telecommunication system for Building 22026, and alteration of Building 25002. Alterations include the repair and renovation of existing architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire alarm, and mass notification systems in the buildings, with expected completion in July 2013.

Check out the coverage on Guam Strike Opps and Tanker Task Force from Guam Build Up News

We still have several pending proposals waiting for award and we are looking forward to another opportunity to work with NAVAFC Marinas.

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